
Wednesday, May 1, 2013



This is the  first time i have done any major image editing. I used the clone tool and the smudge tool in GIMP to remove the dead stem. Let me know what you think in the comments (which one is better/did i do a good job with the editing etc.). 


  1. I really like the final version at first... a weed that looks majestic. But then I looked at the BEFORE photo. Now when I look at the AFTER photo it bugs me because I'm drawn right to the top of the stem that is behind the main dandelion. You did a pretty good job since I didn't catch it at first, but I'd like to see another photo done like this after you pull the offending stem out of the ground!

    1. Do you think you would have noticed the editing if i hadn't showed the BEFORE? I haven't done any editing before this and i probably won't do very much if any in the future because it is very time consuming and I prefer to have unedited original work. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Nice! I also did some editing on a photo with GIMP for brightness and contrast.

    1. Thanks! How did you use the brightness and contrast effects? I haven't tried anything with brightness or contrast yet because I can usually do it from my camera before i take the picture. Thanks for commenting!

    2. The photo I used was a little dark so I adjusted the brightness and contrast til' I liked it. I can see the other weed a bit where they overlap, but that would probably have taken awhile to remove.

  3. Yeah. GREAT JOB! They are both but good photo's but as your dad was saying you can see where you smudged it... But over all Great job!

    1. Thank you! Were you able to tell if was edited without seeing the original? I probably could have smudged it a bit more and made it a little bit less noticeable but I didn't really have the time (The editing i did took about 2 hours!). Thank you for commenting!
